Below are some up and coming key dates.
•5 April 2012
o – End of financial year
•19 April 2012
o – PAYE and NIC due for the month ended 5th April 2012.
o – CIS return must be submitted for the month ended 5thApril 2012
•19 May 2012
o – Deadline for filing Employers Annual Return (P35s and P14s) for tax year ending 5 April 2012
o – PAYE and NIC due for the month ended 5th May 2012.
o – CIS return must be submitted for the month ended 5th May 2012
•31 May 2012
o – Last date for giving a paper form P60 for 20101-12 to each relevant employee who was working for you on 5 April 2012.
Electronic payment of PAYE & NIC extends the due date to the 22nd of the month.