Postal payments for month ended 5 December should reach your HMRC Accounts Office by this date. If you pay late you may have to pay a late payment penalty.
Receipt of the Contractors Monthly Returns for month ended 5 December for those under the Construction Industry Scheme is due by this date whether submitted electronically or on paper.
December 22
Electronic payments for month ended 5 December must clear into the HMRC bank account by this date. If you pay late you may have to pay a late payment penalty.
December 30
Deadline for online submission of 2014 Self Assessment Tax Returns for HMRC to collect any tax due through your PAYE code, where you owe less than £3,000.
December 31
Companies House filing date for companies with a year end of 31 March 2014. Please note that due to Christmas holidays the last day for the submission of March 2014 accounts will be Monday 22 December 2014.