Setting Up A New Business

There are a number of reasons for individuals to start up their own new business. Some crave independence and control over the financial rewards of their labours, others may have been made redundant and find themselves with free time, financial resource and a great idea.

Whatever the reason, starting a new business brings with it a number of challenges beyond those which may initially spring to mind. We can provide advice on the structure of the business, i.e. limited company; partnership; sole trader and the various accounting and taxation requirements that will arise with each structure. We can also provide assistance to ensure that you are on the right track with regards book and record keeping, VAT, payroll etc. In addition, as a registered Sage agent we can offer Sage at a discounted rate and provide training on the software.

At Curle & Co., we provide specialist new business services to assist start up business owners in getting up and running.

  • Company formation
  • PAYE and VAT registration
  • Financial business plans
  • Raising finance
  • Preparation of management accounts
  • Tax planning

So if you are just starting out on a new business venture, or are thinking of starting a new business, contact us on 01236 822 728 to receive reliable, professional advice.